fitness factory
Personal Training & Private Fitness Club
At THE FITNESS FACTORY, we idealize the sense of community, hard work & professional equipment and facilities to create a space where you can change your mind, body & soul. And get in fantastic shape too!
Whether you are trying to lose a couple of pounds, tone & trim, win a bodybuilding competition, or completely transform your body, our independent gym is the place for you.
In 2021, we changed our model to a semi-private fitness facility with 24/7 access to only 100 members.

In need of a personal trainer?
You've come to the right place.
Roy Espinosa, owner of Fitness Factory in Kenmore, NY, has been a personal trainer for more than 20 years.
He has been able to change people's lives through customized fitness plans, one-on-one consultations, and unique diet/wellness programs to help his clients' reach their goals.
AND...don't be scared by the tough guy appearance. Roy's best clients are the "average Joe's" (or Jills). Once a former bodybuilder, Roy has since trained everyone from pregnant women to post pregnant woman. From Navy Seals to doctors. His ideal client is one that shows up to play, practice and persevere.

Our Facility includes
Free Weights
Weight Machines
Treadmills, Ellipticals, Bikes & Stairmasters
Open Areas
Personal Training
2852 Delaware Road
Kenmore, NY